Move position of small slider below main slider.
assetivity1 Hi Kindly post a screenshot how you want to display module. As there are many slide module on home and each has different module id and position; If two module on same position you can re order them from Joomla module manager. If both module on different position you can publish them according the positions.
It is the 'Slideshow' I am referrring to, there is only one slideshow module... Ninja
assetivity1 Hi Its not clear what you mean by move small slider, as there is only one slideshow module, and its navigation in it, Do you mean moving the thumbnail of slideshow below the main slider image ?
The small slider ...
assetivity1 Hi This is part of slideshow and used to show the thumbnail You can not move it outside the slideshow as its part of the slideshow container. You can only move it at the end of slideshow image using this code in custom.css file
.slideshow .swiper-thumbs-wraper { bottom: 0px; }
Ok thanks, I tried the code and nothing happened?
assetivity1 Hi
Try change the above CSS suggested to:
.slideshow .swiper-thumbs-wraper { bottom: 0px !important; }
as !important directive added will ensure that the specific CSS rule-set will apply