For this bug i activated mailing in my playground. I also set all email adresses to some dummy values so that actual users didnt get interruped by testing.
I observed in Email Registrents 3 errors.
When ever i try to send a new Email to the Registrents I get the following error message regardless if there are some or not : There are no records that match the selections you have made.
That is not correct he also found some and he generated the list of emails witch i can see here: < = clicking on view Emails on the right
The found Registrants or better said their Emails where generated, but not send automaticlly. so all are in status failed. I can see them here and send them manually one by one. < = clicking on view Emails on the right
When a User buys to tickets he only get one mail. You can test it easy. By modifing any record, so that the modified Record has the same email then a other one from the same event. No create a "Mass mail" with <= by selecting what ever event you modified the record.
click on send email
go back to and click right side on the view emails button....
now you will see for your modified record there is only one email generated..
This is not correct! Think about a Family Father buys 2 ticket one for him and one for his child. I like to send out both tickets to the email in the record, but with the data of each Record. so 2 individual emails it should be. Now i get one email with the later records data and the first one is not rendered.