I would like to know the exact location for the file for each module that is using JA ACM so I can update and include both 'alt image' and 'text attributes' for each image in the module. Like we can in articles.

I have searched high and low and still unable to find a solution on how to add image alt and title attributes to module images in Joomla Modules.

I did find this forum post from 2016 https://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/image-alt-title-tags-within-acm-modules/ and have looked at the suggested files and looked at the style.xml but can not see where or how I am supposed to add the image alt & text attributes for each image.

in above link pavit said

"Each JA ACM Module has a different xml file type , you can find it into /templates/your_template/acm/ acm type/tmpl/style.xml
you can find there the alt and title tags"



    You can share screenshot highlighting the image you're mentioning and share the credentials of your site, I will suggest the location to change.


    I have added login details. Please note I use Admin Tools and I may need your IP address to add to Administrator IP Whitelist.

    I have another site that I use the JA ACM module on so knowing the location will be great.


      jacquievc Hi. It may be a problem to make it work for all, since this module if very flexible and basically build for scratch for each template. I believe best would be to not touch the code for it and use an outside javascript to use like the closest header to provide that data. For example for Your homepage module a script like:

      <script>(function($) {$(document).ready(function() {
      var titlealt = $(this).find('.label-highlight a').html();

        jacquievc Hi. It's just for this one module instance and it was not tested, so may need some adjustments, but it will use a header of an article to add alt and title values.

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