Hi, I have a problem with 'Top menu' of Lifestyle joomla template, because it disappear on mobile version. Could you explain me how to set this menu for mobile version? Thanks very much, regards
cosmoservice To be more precise and avoid confusion/ambiguity in addressing your query, Do you wish to refer to the specific menu as seen in screenshot ?
Sure, here's the screenshot Thank you
As I can see that menu place is hidden in mobile view. I'm afraid that the mobile view can't have enough space to show that menu, could you illustrate how you want it should be in mobile via screenshots so we can help?
Hi, another solution could be to show that menu voices in submenu 'Home'. Is it possible to show it only in mobile, like the example? Thank you
cosmoservice Hi. I'm not sure if I understand, but since You have an off-canvas there already, I believe it would be easiest to add a copy of that module to it and simply hide it got screens bigger than mobile. If You agree than please do so, so I will be able to provide a style to make it show on mobile only.
Hi, yes, I'm agree with you, this solution seems excellent, you understood my problem perfectly. Could you help me to create this style, please? Thanks very much regards
cosmoservice Hi. Please add Module of a Menu type to off-canvas module position selecting the top menu You need there. When You will have that, let me know and I'll provide a script.
Thank you for your availability but the customer now prefers to remove that menu at the top right. Thanks Regards
cosmoservice the customer now prefers to remove that menu at the top right.
You can disable the specific module assigned to "top4" module position in admin > extensions > module managaer