I want to buy the Page builder but as soon as I add the item into cart the prices revert to regular pricing. Any help?
hjbproductions Hi You can follow these steps to purchase: 1/ Login to Joomlart.com 2/ Go to https://www.joomlart.com/pricing#jabuilder and select the package you want 3/ Enter coupon code VALENTINE to receive the discount (20%) and checkout
ja-developer Thanks for your response. Says coupon is expired.
I used the new coupon and that went through. Before you order it says "PAID ONLY ONCE" but then after you purchase it says 365 days left? What does "Paid only once" means...life time subscription?
hjbproductions Hi We do not provide lifetime subscription. Paid only once means you get to keep your downloaded files and use those files for life. However access to new download / support is for 1 year after purchase only.