As a user of the "NEWS" Template (https://demo.gavick.com/joomla3/news/) some time ago.
I would like to know how to enable the existing feature on your link template https://demo.gavick.com/joomla3/news/
In mine, I did something that disabled this feature and tried everything and did not figure out how to enable it.
At Home https://demo.gavick.com/joomla3/news/, hovering over a news article on the Latest News and Sport News, a red screen appears with the title and the beginning of the text with the date and with the hits.
It is exactly this feature that I would like to enable on my site, where I use this News template, but in my this feature is disabled.
Please, could you teach me how to proceed to enable this red screen that is above the image.
I have already done everything and I do not know how to enable this feature, so I decided to appeal to you.
Right from your innermost attention
I'm waiting for a possible help
Thank you very much
Jose Carlos