I upgraded my playground also to 4.1.0 I have the same error. Payment options are always on Dollar and without currency seperator. When I change it to Euro and comma and then click on save it is not saved, but Dollar and none is shown again.
Same side than here : https://www.joomlart.com/forums/d/19736-conditional-hidden-fields-bug-in-recursion
It's weird, could you share the credentials of the site so I can see the issue? and tell me the payment option also.
saguaros Like i wrote already Same side than here : https://www.joomlart.com/forums/d/19736-conditional-hidden-fields-bug-in-recursion
So you can take the credentials from there?
Bobblue I can't access with provided ftp account in that post, try to backup this file:
and updated with attached file
saguaros Hi saguaros, i didnt changed something on the ftp settings of the account. this is i dont know the 10. bug i created here. so I am really wondering why you now cant access.... please try it again and this time make sure that you took the right protocol and the given port. i copied you the setings in this post so that you do not have to swich.
It's working now, let me check with our developer on this issue and will get back to you soon.
Bobblue We updated the same file: /administrator/components/com_dtregister/models/payoption.php
I tried to change to Euro on your site and it works, kindly check.
Dear Support,
I have the same error. Payment options are always on Dollar and without currency seperator. When I change it to Euro and comma and then click on save it is not saved, but Dollar and none is shown again.
Is it possible to fix this!!??
saguaros Hi Saguaros. yes that solved this issue. I tired to execute a booking, but one bug returned: Paypal is not showing the event name in the Description column https://www.joomlart.com/forums/d/17932-paypal-not-showing-the-event-name-registered-for
Bobblue Do you mean the event name is not shown in the email? Could you share screenshots?
saguaros In the PayPal records and in the PayPal email the event name is not shown.
Bobblue Hi,
I check records with Paypal payment method in DT Register but they still show event, could you tell me the event and a sample email which I can replicate this issue?
saguaros: you can take any event make a new booking and then pay via paypal. The yellow one is empty!
Bobblue can you please fix it? its about 1 month open
I'm sorry for this lateness, I might miss this thread, I've shared with our dev for further investigation on this.
WIll keep you posted.
saguaros actually i have 7-8 open bugs ... all open since 1-2 monts. no reaction.... thats nearly no service.... I am the excuses and the demands to delay a solution actually already more than tired... you have only disappointed me more and more since every version beginning version 4.x. sorry to say but this sucks. I have to think very carefully if I renew my contract with you. If today was the deadline, then I would choose no
Our developer just tested to register with his sandbox and the event name shows fine: https://prnt.sc/nchybp
Could you clarify in more details of which event so he can replicate the same issue?
saguaros i will retest it in the new release. more then the yellow area of the screenshot is empty and there should be a event name is not needed as description!
If you have a test site, pls try with the Preview version of 4.2.
saguaros https://www.joomlart.com/forums/d/22283-thanks-for-the-alpha-version-of-4-2