Hi, I have a problem, I can't change the map, even if I try to change the code and the gps code it doesn't change anything, thank you by advance
juliettta Hi. have You generated an API for Google Maps already? Maybe You have some kind of cache on site or server not allowing the changes to be shown?
Hi, Yes I already change the API and I don't think I have a cache, I can see the map on preview but nothing appear on the webpage
juliettta Hi. Interesting. Last time I've checked there was a map with a New York location, now there is nothing there. Have You changed anything since my last reply? Please provide an access to joomla panel.
I generated an API, the fisrt time it was yours. How can I give you the code ?
juliettta Hi,
You can edit Fields in your first post and share us the login info of your site, I will check for you.
Ok but I don't know how to do
juliettta Hi Kindly check this example to submit site information : https://cl.ly/3y3R0p24250G At this time you API Key for Google map is not a valid API. You have to create a Valid API on Google map .
Ok, I edited fields but I alreaydy change the API on google Map, The real one appear on the preview but not on the website
juliettta Hi Google maps added some restriction to their product. You need to generate the API, validate it. In some cases a payment is required. You may try to generate a code for the map and try it by copying it into the joomla editor in place of an article or so. Than You will see if the problem is because of API or joomla.
Ok I will try, how Can I introduce on an article ?
juliettta Hi I added the map code in file "/html/layouts/joomla/contact/masthead.php" in template "ja_diner". You can see the map on contact page now. Since your site API key exceed the limits you need to check the billing information for Google Map.
If you want to add the Google map in Article you can copy the map code from Map plugin and use it in the article text or custom html module.