We are building a site with DT Register for our client.
Our client offers Mollie as the only payment option.
We have configured Mollie in DT Register. The Mollie partner ID and test-API are present.
In the Mollie account there are several payment options configured. I have made a screenshot of the Mollie payment preview screen of our client (see Image1). This is what a website visitor should get when proceeding to the final checkout page.
However, in step 2 of the checkout process (where you have to select the payment option and fill out the billing address) something odd happens. Once I select Mollie (as the only present option), DT Register instantly shows a mandatory selection field with all Dutch banks (see Image2). This is in fact the list of banks that belongs to the iDEAL option, wich is one of the configured options (next to 5 others) in Mollie.
When proceeding to checkout I am redirected to the selected bank payment page. This is not what should happen.
Can you please help me solve this issue?
Kindest regards,