To show article from Z życia WCWI category you must add some article first : http://prntscr.com/mwppnb
There is no articles : http://prntscr.com/mwppxy
For hover the screenshot does not match with your site as you are not using the same module
Here is code you need to override
.categories-module li a:active, .categories-module li a:focus, .categories-module li a:hover, .category-module li a:active, .category-module li a:focus, .category-module li a:hover, ul.categories-module li a:active, ul.categories-module li a:focus, ul.categories-module li a:hover, ul.category-module li a:active, ul.category-module li a:focus, ul.category-module li a:hover, ul.mostread li a:active, ul.mostread li a:focus, ul.mostread li a:hover
{ text-decoration: none;
background: #303030;
color: #fff;
left: 3px;}