According to the instructions for T3 templates, a custom favicon will be safe from overrides in case of template updates when it is located in the folder templates/{template name}/local, eg.:
However, I noticed on this site that this seems not to work. When the favicon is present at the location above, the default favicon is shown. Also, in the html source I see the path to the default favicon location. So this is not a caching issue.
What did I do wrong? Are the instructions for this template different from other templates?
I did find a workaround for this - two in fact, yet only one of them worked:
- In the template style, on the tab Custom Code, in the field "Before </head>", I added the full html for loading the custom favicon. This worked, though both favicons show up in the source code. My custom favicon is shown because it is the last one that is loaded.
- I also tried a patch that I found on the internet: https://nerdia.net/2018/02/27/add-custom-favicon-ico-to-t3-bootstrap-framework-for-joomla/ However, in this case both favicon locations show up in the html source as well - but this time the default favicon is the last one that's loaded so the default favicon is shown.
So for now, my first workaround is doing the job. Still I think that it is not good practice to have both favicon definitions in the source code. So if it is possible to solve this in another way, then I would be happy.
Kind regards, Frits
EDIT: I see now that my workaround does not work on all browsers, though I do see both favicon definitions in the source code. This might be due to caching; I'm not sure.