I think that my host has got some corrupted settings. Could you advise what should I ask my provider for, please?

My site is test site created from jb_builder-quickstart file. It was OK several months ago but today as I've tried to make some changes in the template style (e.g change background color) the site is not rendering.
I tried to change something in default builder style and page http://www.witrazesc.com.pl/witraze/test/ it is not working now. Additionally the changes in style are not saved in template admin.
The same for writer style and page http://www.witrazesc.com.pl/witraze/test/index.php/home/writer
I didn't change anything for koan style and page http://www.witrazesc.com.pl/witraze/test/index.php/home/koan is loading OK.

regards Tomek

    I am not entirely clear which template style you are using for the Home menu.
    As i checked Koan menu is using Koan style http://prntscr.com/mzs3m4
    And i assigned it to Home page and it started showing the content http://prntscr.com/mzs4aa
    The background theme no longer exist : http://prntscr.com/mzs4y6

    I suggested you to update the Buildr to latest version first https://www.joomlart.com/member/downloads/joomlabamboo/joomla-templates/jb-buildr
    the installed version is 1.0 so if anything is deleted it will be override and installed by latest version.


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