Hi, I'm using the Joomla template Cloudhost but with the new updates of Joomla the backend of the template style is gone. Now I can't change elements like the copyright or google analytics key. How can I get it back?
Thanks in advance, Maggie
Hi mostgenius
I looked at your backend and everything seems to be correct , i can see features tab correctly showed and copyright and google analytics fields also correctly showed.
I don't want to post here your data with a screenshot.
Hi Pavit,
Yes, I'm not sure how I did it. I updated the template a number of times and I installed another template to see if it would show there. It did and then I looked at the Cloudhost template and the setting tabs were back. Maybe there was a delay with refreshing the cache... but I am very pleased I have it working again. Thanks for checking though!
Regards, Maggie
Glad you solved it
I will mark this as solved then.