aman204 I have asked the hosting party to whitelist the IP address since I cannot find where I can do this myself.
teitbite thank you. On the homepage it still doesn't work.
mandsign Hi. You have a syntax error in You need to close the } character for media condition. After that my style will work.
teitbite I'm sorry, can you please explain? I try but I don't understand..
teitbite I understand and I've tried to adjust but I can not see where I need to close the } (see
teitbite It works now! Do you also know why I don't have de GDPR checkbox at the contactform?
mandsign Hi. Do You have GDPR Component installed. You can download it here:
No I don't, but in the documentation I don't see the GK Contact is supported with JA GDPR Component. If I install the extension, will the checkbox be added to the GK Contact?
mandsign Hi Contact page is default Joomla contact its from Joomla. you can enable the consent plugin of Joomla and check. If its showing with default Joomla template like Protostar and not with our template, this mean issue is in template and we will correct it, Kindly make a test and if issue in template, submit a temp super user login details for staff. I will have a look on this.
Hi, the GKCONTACT doesn't even show on the Protostar template when I make a test page and assign the Protostar template to that page with GKCONTACT module in it.
Can I send you the user and password details in e-mail or private message?
Kind regards
By the way, this is with the GK Steakhouse and GK Creativity template.
mandsign Hi This is not issue from the template as you found the issue is same with default Joomla template, if its enabled in your Joomla and still not showing , i suggest you to post on Joomla forum and share its not working for default Joomla templates.