Copyright removal. I have found here how to do this but it seems to not be working correctly for me. I have changed it. It still appears in the footer.
Kind Regards, Rich
wanted to add...I am going to try a fresh install here. Tried reinstall and still same thing. 🙁
Hi wowakan
I receive errors when i try to reach your website, is the url added correct?
DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN I did in fact change the Admin user and created you your own as you can see in the private section.
Wanted to add - it seems like the quickstart is not adding everything perthe demo here:
Please check now i removed the Joomlabamboo logo
Thank you Sir!
Do you want me to make a new topic for other things or keep it going here?
wowakan Do you want me to make a new topic for other things or keep it going here?
Yes please, also add again in new topic your website login details.
Will do. 🙂