sergiosp could I see what happens with this?
Could you clarify a bit ? I only unpublished that module which was giving php error on your website , if you enable it again you will see error showing on your website.
Just that I'm talking about, Pavit, that module gives an error, it showed the events created from the content manager and I do not understand why it gives an error. Could you help me understand what happens? I would like to create events and see them in spotlight-bt-2 regards sergio
sergiosp Could you help me understand what happens?
It seems you removed super user account and link to your website, could you please restore both again so i can access again your back end?
Sorry, please log on to: with the same username and password that you have.
It seems the error is coming from this specific event article
Maybe custom code added to it, anyway i unpublished it and module is working fine now.
Thanks Pavit, There is an error when you click on the event article: 0 DATETIME :: __ CONSTRUCT (): FAILED TO PARSE TIME STRING (18:00 PM) AT POSITION 6 (P): THE TIMEZONE COULD NOT BE FOUND IN THE DATABASE Can you help me solve this? attached image sergio
Hi sergiosp
I'm escalating this thread to our support developers staff, to have a look deeply at it.
Please do not change/deactivate your super user account
sergiosp Hi,
It took time to debug this issue, it due to the time format you added in article, it should be 6:00 pm instead of 18:00 pm
It's working now.
Kindly check.
Hello Pavit, I still have problems with "Events", I have published a new event and the whole site is broken. I already unbundled the note that brought problems, but I need help to solve this. I do not know how to solve the "Events" problem Sergio
Hi Sergio,
Which problem with event are you facing with? I solved the datetime error as I mentioned in above post.
Hi Saguaros! when you try to add another event, everything is destroyed, I send you three screenshots, 1) to show you the created article, 2) so that you can see what happens inside the administrator when you publish it 3) to display the frontend I ask you please to verify what I am saying and help me with this Sergio
I just tried to create a test event article and it displays fine:
Kindly check again.
Thanks Saguaros, I think the problem is in how the schedule is published. I put in the schedule 20.00 pm, if I had put 8.00 pm I think none of this would have happened. I have now published an event and this is fine (after another failed attempt). Thanks for everything sergio