I'm using Joomla 3.8.8, VirtueMart 3.2.14, with Gavick Quark v.1.2.2 template.
I'm facing for the 3rd time this week an issue with the NSP GK5 Module Thumbnails, where some thumbnails are not being displayed, without proceeding with any modifications at product image level.
For example, at page :, down to "Voir Aussi" module, only 1 thumbnail is showing, the module is set up to show product from a VM Category list, all categories selected do have a product on each category.
When I change the source data to K2 Articles, the display is correct.
When I change the source data to VM Products and specify the products ID, the display is also correct (sometime a picture or two are not showing). In scroll down to "Nouvel Arrivage", NSP GK5 is used with a similar setup as the previous one, but set up to display VM Products instead of VM Categories.
Would you please help to fix the issue?
Thank you