Background: In this project where I am making some significant changes to the layout of a website built in Colourshift2 about a year ago I am also upgrading the to the latest version of Buildr.
The orignal live website is here: . The development website is here:
In the new version of the website I am placing two modules in the Banner position. One is the Zen Tools 2 slideshow and one is a Zen Tools 2 grid. The new slideshow stretches across 8 instead of all 12 of the grid.
I would like the two modules in the banner to be aligned vertically and not have a margin between them.
In order to accomplish this, the images in the slideshow are 730 pixles by 410 pixles and each of the images in the Zen Tools grid are 205 pixels by 205 pixels. 730 + 410 =1140 (the main container width) I clearly don't have this working correctly now,. Can I accomplish this?
I am open to changing the width of the template and the size of images, but I do want to keep the aspect ratio of the slidehow 16:9 .
How can i eliminate the margin?