I really like some of the JA ACM module formats in the new JA Mixstore and would like to recreate them for our website. Current template is JA Company.

We do not want to change template, create an ecommerce website.
And I do not know how to download the sample data and install without doing downloading the template to start from scratch.

Currently the JA ACM in JA Company is very restricted.

I am having issues:
Title is not Showing > Module Style is set to xhtml, Article and Menu Option set to SHOW TITLE
The image is not in line with text (I guess for the above reason) 

I have attached an image showing what I see and what I would like.
[upl-image-preview url=https://www.joomlart.com/forums/assets/files/2019-04-30/1556603212-27516-ja-acm-no-title-showing.jpeg]

    Each template has own style and code for ACM module.
    I need your backend login to check the possible option why the Title is not showing,
    Kindly edit fields in first post and submit a temp super user login for staff.


      I am not able to access admin page, it always redirecting me to homepage your site.
      Kindly disable the admin tool for some time, as the IP i shared is already changed too.


        Hi I have disabled Administrator Whitelist IP access only and also disabled GeoIP. Please try again.

          Applied some changes in file "/acm/features-intro/tmpl/style-2.php" in template "aegissalesservice-landing".
          To call the module title, you can see it on the page now.

            jacquievc Hi

            Came here to check back if query to relative topic have been resolved so as to mark the thread as resolved or need further assistance on the same 🙂

              The title is now displaying but not exactly as I wanted do will try and look at the code.

                I applied some more changes and put the title in H2.
                Here is code

                						<div class="label-small">
                						<h2>	<?php echo $modTitle;?></h2>

                You can customize it as per needs for extra style class or change the heading tag.



                  Thank you, is there any way that the image can be moved down in line with the header text to make it look more uniformed?

                    Add this code in custom.css file

                    .acm-features.style-2 .row > div.features-item {
                        padding-top: 0px;
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