I have selected a Google font in the general template settings in the "fonts" section. For example for the menu "Istok Web+2:600:latin". It is displayed correctly in Firefox, Chrome, Chromium. But not in MS EDGE or Vivaldi browser.

What am I doing wrong or is this a bug?

Thank you for your hints

Cheers Frank

    I checked it in MS Edge /IE 11 and and compared both view, i can see the font is loading same : http://prntscr.com/niz888
    Can you check the installed version IE install on your system as in the latest version i have no issue in font.


    Hi Pankaj,
    but on your screenshot you can see immediately that the font ISTOK is not loaded. There a serif font is shown (Times New Roman).
    ISTOK is sans-serif. Yes the CSS shows ISTOK. But the browser rendering shows Times New Roman ?????

    I get the fonts displayed correctly in Firefox and Chrome. (see Screenshot)

    Cheers Frank

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