On the About Us page, https://knoxttdot.com/glenc/index.php/about-us I have a Zentools2 Carousel in the location 'sidebar2'. Previously I had 2 articles and the pagination dots were 2 and everything worked fine. It rotated, you clicked on it and it took you to the article. The moment I added a third article things started to go wayward.
1 - instead of 3 pagination dots there is still only 2
2 - instead of each carousel window showing 1 article to click to, one of the windows show 2 articles, it's clumping up. There should be 3 dots for 3 articles
3 - on the previous testimonial 1 and testimonial 2, the title shows in bold quite nicely but this is not happening for testimonial 3. I believe this is pulling from the module but for some reason it's not pulling testimonial 3.
I would really like to know what happened here. It's so strange.