Ja_Argo contact Mini icons I added Developer add it in Next version is pretty good You can download it and add it to your theme

File Path:  My Site / ja_argo / html / com_contact / contact / default_address.php

Demo Site Hercules Crane Contact

Icon Work Download

    medator Hi. Thank You for this suggestion, this is a great addon. Unfortunately we cannot make such changes to product which has already been used by other users. It could have have be unwanted change for some of them.

    If you put it all in how many of you have missing in a few of them, theme updates will be more eye-catching, don't waste time with simple updates why do you make updates simply? If you want to be more successful, you can really do it. I'm sorry, but you're working in a simple way. Please don't tell me something so cheap Work And Awesome You Try This Teitbit.

      Its nice to see you have added your own icons, however we are unable to add this as update, because its something that personal customization and if a user already had something applied on his site OR they do not want to show it, it will force them to use the same icons.

      Joomla contact options also has option to add custom icons : http://prntscr.com/nnvkae , As you know its an older template and many customer using this too. So its hard to apply a change the can impact other users site display that already came with template.
      You can keep this file in / ja_argo /local/ html / com_contact / contact / default_address.php
      This will work as an override and template update not override the changes.

      I will share this feedback with development team for future plans for contact page style.


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