I tried to create some custom fields. But without success. I choose "field", then "new" then i make all the settings, then "save" but nothing happens and i can't see the new field in the List.
Thank you for helping Best Regards Christoph
Hi Christoph,
May I know which version of DT Register are you using?
I am having the same issue. I am running version 4.1.0
Hi Saguaros
I'm using Version 4.1.0 and Joomla! 3.9.6
Regards Christoph
This is a known issue in DT Reg 4.1.0, it's fixed and will be included in the 4.2 version. The team is working hard on the stable version of 4.2.
At this moment, the 'Preview' version for 4.2 was released: https://www.joomlart.com/member/downloads/dthdevelopment/dt-register/dt-register-4-2-0-preview If you have a test site, you can try with this preview version, we do not recommend to test in live site.
Ok. Thank you. Quite a big bug ;-( Now it seems to work with the Preview Version. But there are still some entries around that i cannot see from the tries before. How can i delete them?
Best Regards Christoph
May I know which entry you're referring to? Kindly share the credentials of your site so I can take a look.
where are we with this issue, I need to this to work on a live site that the registration needs to be up yesterday?
dove527 If you're using version 4.1.0, you can try my suggestion here: https://www.joomlart.com/forums/d/20776-custom-fields-afther-4-1-0/5
Or kindly wait for the new stable version 4.2 which we hope that it can be released within this week.