Hi, I have upgrated Publisher pro to last version 3.0.20 and now I am gettig blank pages (article missing) when i try to open the articles from this link: https://www.cybermednews.eu/index.php/it/courses-conferences1-3
mabnet1 HI The URL of article seems incorrect, can you share how to reach to this article from Homepage, as there is no article with name course conference from the Home page. I tested some of the other articles and all are opening fine.
Ok, go to homepage https://www.cybermednews.eu/index.php/it/ then click on orizzontal menu "CORSI & CONVEGNI" and it opens this url: https://www.cybermednews.eu/index.php/it/courses-conferences1-3. On this page you will find several articles that open all in a blank page (the article il missing or not showing up).
Please see for example: https://www.cybermednews.eu/index.php/it/european-congress-publisher/69383-la-sclerosi-multipla-malattia-consapevolezza-e-guarigione-bologna-sabato-1-giugno-2019 https://www.cybermednews.eu/index.php/it/european-congress-publisher/69366-la-melanina-il-precursore-di-ogni-forma-di-vita-08-giugno-2019-c-o-casa-dell-aviatore-roma https://www.cybermednews.eu/index.php/it/international-congress-publisher/69154-i-defunti-nella-nostra-vita-diversi-approcci-e-nuove-ipotesi
The FTP is ok, I can connect, but I tried to connect to site administrator but doesn't work. Please make sure that administrator access is ok, I need to check the articles and menu items.
Kind Regards, Alin
Hi I have just tried to log in with your site admin account, and it works fine for me. Probably the problem was the fileshield, now it is disactivated, please try now. Thanks Michael
mabnet1 Hi Thanks for access, Please do not change this, i am checking the issue with dev team and we will reply you here soon.
ok, thanks
mabnet1 Hi Kindly open each Menu item that has issue and save it again. The menu item language is undefined, the problem seems from your Joomla. http://prntscr.com/nsoixh I just re saved a menu item and its child article opening fine now https://www.cybermednews.eu/index.php/it/european-congress-publisher/69383-la-sclerosi-multipla-malattia-consapevolezza-e-guarigione-bologna-sabato-1-giugno-2019
Hi, it seems that there is some other problem, I have seen that some articles open fine now from that menu item, but some give still a blank page, plesa see: https://www.cybermednews.eu/index.php/it/international-congress-publisher/69154-i-defunti-nella-nostra-vita-diversi-approcci-e-nuove-ipotesi
mabnet1 Hi You need to open each menu items, i just did this for one and re save, because the Menu item must be set to a language or All. At the moment they are undefined.
Hi, this has been done, all languages are set to ALL. Seems ok now. Thanks a lot. Michael