Gtmetrix is reporting a missing character set from the template. I already set the character set in the header, how can I solve this two files issues?
equilibriumx Hi,
I don't find this report when testing your site in gtmetrix, could you share that message?
As I stated in the initial post. There is an error report from GTMetrix, that indicates that these 2 files are missing the character headers, those 2 are embedded in your template.
equilibriumx Gtmetrix is reporting a missing character set from the template. I already set the character set in the header, how can I solve this two files issues?
equilibriumx Gtmetrix is reporting a missing character set from the template. I already set the character set in the header, how can I solve this two files issues?
under this tab SPECIFY A CHARACTER SET EARLY, under PAGE SPEED (7th item)
Still Watling for your help
equilibriumx Hi. I can see Your charset is set on Your site already:
<meta charset="UTF-8">
If You wish to change it You should edit file /layouts/blocks/head.php
I dont want to change it, I know its there, but GtMetrix ins pointing out that those 2 character sets from the TEMPLATE have no indications in the header.. Please read the case before answering, I have been waiting for an answer for days...
equilibriumx Hi. Yes, I've read it, but I still do not understand why is it pointing that out if it's clearly there. Can You please try to explain it one more time, maybe I simply do not understand the problem. Sorry for that.
I added this to the .htaccess file on your site:
<FilesMatch "\.(ttf|otf|eot|woff|woff2)$"> ForceType 'font/opentype; charset=UTF-8' </FilesMatch>
to set the content type for these font files, it should be ok now. Kindly check.
Perfect! Thanks. Please this case