when a user signs in, there is a 'Logout' to the top right corner. That's fine. However I want to display the name of the user logged in as well. How can I do that?
Similar to how it's dispalyed in the side menu bar
arimakidd Hi Applied some changes in file file "/tpls/blocks/off-canvas.php" in template "newstream2". Kindly check it now, I called the username in line 19 with this code
echo $user->get('username');
You can see the user with logout now http://prntscr.com/nvph09
Thanks for the work. Just one thing, there seems to be a loose bracket hanging around somewhere. Have a look at the highlighted area in the screenshot.
arimakidd Hi Kindly check it now. I removed the extra brace from the file.
Thanks. Solved.
arimakidd You are welcome!
Kindly take backup of off-canvas.php file before you update the template.