Hi, sorry for this long waiting period, we are just in the last moments of prepering the actual event and before mid of sept, i also cant make any change to production. So what I am searching kind of, is a automatic way, that field ordering and field dependency (conditional fields) are like they was before (v4.0.9) in 4.2.0 you reorded them on my development and i just saved the fields table with rgt and lft and so on column. but when i just copy that table in the fields are maybe right ordered but the condition is not realy working. So can you please explain me, from a DB perspective how the following 3 things are working. in the actual version:
1.) Where do you say this is a dependent field from that option of a other one.
prefix_dtregister_fields.parentId, prefix_dtregister_fields.selectionValues and prefix_dtregister_fields.level .... but it seems that i missed something
2.) How is the ordering done:
I thought prefix_dtregister_fields.ordering was the old one
Now it must be prefix_dtregister_fields.lft, prefix_dtregister_fields.rgt, prefix_dtregister_fields.level... but something seams to be missing
3.) then how is a field mapped to an event. I tought:
so even with bringing back all mentioned column it looks not like before. so which columns did i missed?