Hi Chris,
You can update these files:
line 146, replace the 'Member' text by:
<?php echo JText::_("DT_MEMBER");?>
Do the same with this file
line 323
In the file: /components/com_dtregister/controllers/change.php
Line 889, change:
$member_form->encloseAsSubform(['name' => 'MEMBER', 'min' => $event->min_group_size, 'max' => $event->max_group_size]);
$member_form->encloseAsSubform(['name' => 'MEMBER' ,'label'=>'DT_MEMBER', 'min' => $event->min_group_size, 'max' => $event->max_group_size]);
the same with file: /components/com_dtregister/controllers/register.php
at line 588
Next, open the file: /administrator/components/com_dtregister/lib/dt/form/form.php
Under the line 135:
$enclose_field->addAttribute('type', 'subform');
add this new code:
$enclose_field->addAttribute('label', $subform_field['label']);
Then go to Backend > Extensions > Language(s) > Overrides and the translation for this language constant: DT_MEMBER