Just upgraded an older site to DTreg 4.x. Tried to use 4.2, but too many issues, so back to 4.1.0.
I will say that all of the data tables were migrated from the old 3.x install.
I am running into a problem with the JA payment Gateway and and Authorize.net AIM. Though transactions are completing successfully, for some reason the gateway is not passing the customer email address. So, this results in auth.net confirmation emails not being sent to the registrant. Folks MUST get a payment confirmation, so this is a show stopper till I can get the problem resolved.
The email is correctly coming through the event form, payment form, and confirmation emails sent from DTreg. So, it seems that somewhere between DTreg and passing the parameters into the ja_payment_gateway, the email address is lost. I am running with v1.1.3 of the gateway. This is my first experience with ja_payment_gateway... the old gateway built into DTreg 3.x was pretty bullet proof (for me).
I have tried this using the auth.net production account and am now running on a dev sandbox account. Same results.
Help, anybody?