Hi there.
So. I want to make JA K2 Filter work in a way it can filter items by one field or another.
Right now, I'm trying to filter items by date, but some are using one field and others are using other fields.
As you can see in this URL, I'm trying to filter them by the same date (today). As of today, there's only one item with that date and it's an item that has the Extra Field 82 with that date. If I change my URL and delete all of the other Extra Fields, the Search works and show the item. BUT, sometimes, I may have one field with that date and other item with Extra Field 83 or 85, so I need JA K2 Filter to show me all of those items.
Previously, I was using a hack (that someone of Joomlart team provided me) in the itemlist.php file.
I was using a second array with the code "$where2 = array();" an aditional line for SQL ($sql .= empty($where2) ? '' : ' AND (' . implode(' AND ', $where2).' )'😉 and some tricks in the "case 'range':".
Problem is... in the last updates, this hack isn't working anymore. Any other way to do this?
Hope you can help me!
Thanks in advance!