Hi, guys, I am using the UBER template, and there is a block -Contact Info style 2, I like this, and I want to used in my contact page like the demo with full width, I have tried but fail....anyone who know how to setting this pls show me, thanks.
owen789 Hi Can you share the details of issue you are facing when you adding the module on site. share the page URL and illustrate the issue in a screenshot.
here is the URL i want show my company address https://www.samfull.net/contact-us.html like Contact Info style 2, full width is better, if not, fixed width is OK pls show me the guide, I just found the demo Ninja
owen789 Hi In the demo site we used Home layout for the module to be in the full with. ON your site you are using default template style . Also the module is loaded inside the K2 output. If you will make the it full width, it will wor for whole page. not only for module.
yes, i make it as module and insert in the k2 item, so if not make it fullwidth, in fixed width is ok, can do ?Ninja
owen789 Hi kindly share a screenshot what do you mean by fixed width? As its already has a width, you can reduce the width of it, but can not increase Because this is max width of parent container.
I mean in the default page, if it works like the demo is ok although it is not fullwidth Ninja
owen789 Hi Your reply is not clear. In demo we do no used the module inside article. If you will add it in article it will use the article container width. I am not understanding what you want to achieve here.