My link is http://powerports.eu/call-for-solutions/ideas-database#sort=position&sortdir=desc&page=1.
How can i change the word "shop by" or "view detail"?
See also attachment.
Or if i want to not have "sort by" choice with the green arrow?
Thank you
about changing filter words
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1- 'Shop By'
You go to Backend > Extensions > Language(s) > Overrides and add translation text for this language constant: COM_JAMEGAFILTER_SHOP_BY
Like this: http://prntscr.com/omueae
2- View detail
Do the same with this language constant: COM_JAMEGAFILTER_VIEW_DETAIL
Thank you for your answer. I did it. One more question please.
Why the page loads too slow?
Thank you
Try to switch default template to Protostar (a standard template of Joomla) and see how it goes.
All the other pages are working fine, but only this one page is too slow. I can't change the template because my site has particularly template which i bought it. If i change it it works fine but it isn't a solution because i want this template which i bought.Any other solution?
I meant that you can temporarily change to default template of Joomla to find out which one causes issue.
If it works well with default Joomla template, then the issue doesn't come from JA Megafilter, try to temporarily disable any 3rd party extension installed on that page and that template you're using as one of them cause issue.
I have a question and i want a little help please.
My site is http://powerports.eu/call-for-solutions/solutions-database#sort=attr.ct1.frontend_value&sortdir=asc
I have attached a file to see what i want. Can somehow to remove the Country word? and only to appear the name of the country?
Thank you
Could you share the credentials of your site? so I can know where it comes from.
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[Removed by Mod]
The provided info doesn't work, pls edit the 'Fields' in your first post and update again.
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you didnt write correct the password
it has and a . in the end
thry again please
You should not include the info in your reply, it's Public.
I can login to your site but I don't see that country text as your screenshot: http://powerports.eu/call-for-solutions/ideas-database#sort=attr.ct2.frontend_value&sortdir=asc
Could you share the URL of that page?
I thought that it wasnt public.
http://powerports.eu/call-for-solutions/solutions-database#sort=attr.ct1.frontend_value&sortdir=asc , This is the link
The http://powerports.eu -> menu call for solutions -> SOLUTIONS DATABASE.
The filter was made from K2 component. I dont know why appears there.
Thank you
I check that page and see that 'Country' text is parent category of countries list: Italy, Greek, etc... when you select to show the category name, it will show all categories's names there
Can i disable it somehow to dont appear? with code perhaps? is it possible?
Thank you
I tried but with the current code structure, it will load & show all parent categories there. Could you try to restructure the category list?