staphin Hi,
1- Could you share the demo link that the logo + menu show above the image of slideshow? I don't see it on this:
2- I guess the article link you clicked is not being assigned to any menu item so it keeps showing on the same page. You can try to create a new menu item + assign this article (or category this article belongs to), it will show the detailed content page of that article then.
Sorry for the unclear description of my first problem. Let me tryit this way: If you look at my site at you can see that the logo template position as well as the menu position have opaque white background whereas that of the demo has a transparent background with the background image showing through. Because of that white background, my menu text does not show because they're white. The footer is likewise affected.
As for the second problem, I'll try to figure out how to try your suggestion. I'm not yet sure how to do it though :-)
I found the solution to my second problem and your suggestion led me to it though not directly. I only had to change the menu assignment of the Slideshow and the Filter modules so that they only show in the Main menu. That's it.
Thanks again for leading me. Now I only have that first problem to figure out.
staphin For the first question, you can try this custom css:
#logowrap { background-color: transparent; }
Thank you sir. So I made a custom.css file and pasted the above code. Then it worked, but only after a few refresh of the page. After a while, seems to affect the footer area which becme transparent but the logo area went back to being opaque.
I really got me stumped. What do you think happened?
I'm not quite sure of issue here, I tested it before and it works. Now I see that you add a white background color for it:
Could you share screenshot of how you want it should be?
Oh, if that's the one causing the problem, how do i remove that setting? I don't want that white background at all, only the menU text showing on top of the background image.
staphin Hi Add this code in custom.css file to make it transparent
#logowrap .zen-spotlight {background:transparent;}
Thanks for the help. It worked.
I wonder if there's a way to make the filtered articles in Grid8 execute a requery so that when the other buttons aside from Show All is clicked, the list will not be limited to the ones obtained by the Show All.
staphin Hi In Grid each tab associate with the respecting content selected for that, Its designed in this way. I am afraid its not easy to change without core hacks as system does not behave this type.
It's ok then. I only have one more thing to sort out for now. How to make the menu itself transparent showing only text. As of now, only the current menu item is transparent while the rest of the menu items have opaque background.
staphin Hi Add this code in custom.css file
.zen-menu.zen-menu-horizontal ul li > a, .zen-menu.zen-menu-horizontal ul li > span { background:transparent;}
Hi, I simply copied and pasted the above code but it doesn't work :-( Did I miss something?
staphin Kindly add the code in
i can not see the code is added
Ninja Hi, This seems to do the trick :
.sb-toggle-right, #zen-wrap, #navwrap, #menu, #topwrap, #logowrap { background: transparent;}
Thanks for leading me to the webpage inspector. I was able to locate that one.