1/ Description of extras is not visible when point cursor to an asterix, but name of extras - Solidres: You are using an out of date Joomla template
2/ property G+ icon out, Instagram needed
3/ Admin / reservations / Amend reservation - customer note is deleted, Solidres writes: We've checked and found that your template is having out of date template override for Solidres
4/ Solidres / reservations tab - table header Total amount is not total to be payed, but without tourist tax. Solidres writes: Thank you for your info, we've checked and found that your template is having out of date template override for Solidres which means it is not compatible with latest Solidres version.
5/ Please check that all info filled by customer is displayed correctly in checkout. Se no telephone number written by customer, (telephone number vs mobile number).
More maybe in the future.