Thanks for your comment. I am indeed able to set the framework. What is not yet successful is to place the frame to the right of the text. The text must then go left around the frame. Do you perhaps also know how I do that?
bikkel Hi You can provide the Page URL on which you added the text and a screenshot how you want to show it. So i can check this request on your site.
On this page the frame is already there, my only question is to place that specific frame in the text instead of on the left.
Affected article:
Hi bikkel Kindly change col-lg-5 to col-lg-12 and check
Hi pankaj, I adjusted it. However, the text no longer runs around it. I want the block to be on the right and the text to the left. Is that also possible?
bikkel Hi I am not sure what you mean by text not around it if you want this to display in full area it will display like this. If you want to show other text as well, you can reduce the col-lg-12 value to a lower value and check.
The text box is always left-aligned. However, I want the block to be aligned to the right. In this way the body text of the article runs around the left of the frame.
bikkel Hi. Please use this code:
.well-lg { text-align: right !important; }
but You may try with:
.well-lg { text-align: justify !important; }
Hi Teitbite. In this case, the text is aligned to the right within the frame. However, the frame itself remains left on the page. The frame must be to the right of the body text.
bikkel Hi Add float right style to the Parent div Example : <div class="col-lg-5" style="float: right;"> It will look like this :
<div class="col-lg-5" style="float: right;">
Great!! This worked out!! Are there any styling options, such as an border?
bikkel You apply border or any other style as per needs. Here is example :