The payment process is backwards. From a selling point of view.
In general you go through the process of choosing the course -> clicking buy or enrol -> registering on the site (yawn).... Then after being registered to buy the course you wanted (the buyer doesnt know this) you have to click the My Orders button in the "user control panel of guru". OR.... click on the CART button in the "user control panel of guru" and the cart is empty. You then have to go find the product again.?
That is a messed up way of not getting a sale.?
I tested yesterday to find a way around this but couldnt get past the fact that I needed to login to get to the paypal payment page fast.
What it should be is:
Click Buy (or enroll) button -> Paypal payment page -> Login to paypal and Pay -> return to site automatically -> Register and access the course you purchased.
Sale made! Thanks for the dosh.
Better still, a way to pay from an external source through a button created using the course ID. That way I could have a great sales page leading to the:
Click the payment button on the external site -> Login to paypal and Pay -> return to site automatically -> Register and access the course you purchased.
Its wierd how my adding feedback to help your software improve yet I cant get support untiIl I buy the product again. Thats why I am looking at other solutions as I think your model is too unscrupulous and manipulative. As a "so called" valued buying customer the most I should be paying for software updates is 50% of the actual selling price.
I cant get past that to be honest. I hope you look at the payment process seriously because if its a problem for me its a problem for everyone. Unless others are so happy building and not selling?