I am trying to display a module from inside the article.
loadposition and loadmodule do not work. It shows the tag {loadmodule mod_custom historymenu} instead. I used both loadposition and loadmodule and they both do not work. Joomla version is 3.9.11 and I used quickstart to install the template. Content - Load Modules Plugin is enabled: Also the module's Prepare Content is set to yes and it's set to be shown in all pages.
Please advise.
Thank you in advance.
7of9 Hi,
Kindly share the supporting credentials of your site and tell me the article + module you want to add so I can check.
Hi saguaros , Sorry for the late reply. I was out of town. I have updated the credentials.
Thanks for your help. 🙂
Thanks for the info, I added the syntax:
{loadmodule mod_custom, historymenu}
at the end of 'History' article and it's showing the historymenu custom module on frontend now, kindly check.
Hi saguaros ,
I want it to be at the top of the article. Kindly check this: https://amphso.com/history/william-townshend-washington
7of9 The problem here is that you don't set the introtext for article so template will see full text as introtext also and displays it in blockquote and the position can't be loaded there.
What I did was: 1- Add the 'readmore' button on top of article: 2- Correct the syntax of loadposition (check again my above reply, you're using wrong syntax)
3- Go to menu item settings of this page > set to hide introtext: https://prnt.sc/p415qc
You can apply the same for other pages.
Hi Saguaros, if I understand correctly, I cannot use loadposition in introtext. Is this Joomla's default functionality, or template;s issue?
Thank you for your help.
7of9 You're welcome!