1) why Captcha doesn't show up on the Frontend when registering as an advertiser although it is checked in the Setting > Registration in the Backend? Will it work after the purchase?
Maybe there is some issue with your tempate or you have not added the captcha key, You need to check the keys are correct the captcha is ON.
2) Does Ad Agency's keyword targeting feature support any kind of CCK, Flexicontent in particular - like on my Joomla site? If not, what CCK's exatly does it support?
Its not clear what exactly you mean, IN the component you can add the keywords and target them, its not for specific 3rd party component.
3) Why the ads added as an advertiser on the Frontend won't be saved when clicking on the Save button and won't appear in the Managers > Ads list in the backend? Will it work after the purchase?
Hi Advertiser can add the ads via frontend and if you set the aprrval to yes the ads will be auto approved you can check the backend settings for ads.
4) Is there an option to turn on the choice of available zones from a drop-down list for the advertiser when adding all the supported ad types from the FrontEnd? You see, as of the moment of testing your demo Ad Agency there's such a choice only for the Text Ads type although I've created the relevant packages for all the supported ad types. So now only Text Ads provide the advertiser with the choice of the zones available, other ad types don't. Could you tell me please why is that so?
you can create any type of ads, when you create a zone, there is option for which type of ad you can show.
5) Does Ad Agency support image resizing when adding Standard Banners or other ad types where adding an image is supported? I've also tested this on the AdAgency Light because on your demo adding the Standard Banner is not working like in the Light version, and the component accepts image banners of any sizes from the advertiser's part, but in fact in the Edit ad window in the Backend there's a message saying that "there are no zones that support this ad size" and that one of the 3 action types must be taken - create a new zone, changing the existing one or resize the image.
the advance option for ads are only by admin side, however you can set the size of banner, you can create and add share details,it help me to understand it better.