How is it possible to reduce the height of the hero image? I have searched in the css template file but didn't find a solution.
Thank you for your feedback.
gcoral Hi You can add a max height in the custom.css file
.acm-hero.style-1 .hero-item { max-height: 700px; }
change the height value as per needs.
Thank you for your quick answer.
It is necessary also to change the padding in order to center text element ans button:
.acm-hero.style-1 .hero-item { background-size: cover; background-position: center; padding: 106px 0; }
gcoral Hi Yes, the padding is used to create space around the text in sideshow, that will increase the image container space too. You can reduce the padding as well.
sorry, where is the custom.css ?
oriolcc Hi Open template folder/css/custom.css file If file not exist you can create it and add the code.