Ja Promo Bar I Get Error Scrolling Up Page Top Menu Error Available
Top Menu Error

Joomlart I'll make you stand above the same as on the home page

View This Page Hercules Crane

    Hi medator

    Try to add this to your custom.css

    .ja-promo-bar {



      Hello Pavit Long Time Not See You Hope You're OK

      He stood in the back, you could slide up the top.
      He stood in the back, you could slide up the ball.

      If the following Codes are attached in Custom css do they have problems pavit

      .ja-promo-bar {
      /* ja promo top bari üst menü ustüne kaydırma
      -------------------------------------------------- */
      .ja-builder .info-list {
        display: none;
      .topbar {
         background: #ffffff;
         position: relative;
         width: 100%;
         height: 80px;
         line-height: 80px;
         padding: 0;
         z-index: 1010;
         top: 0;
         font-size: 14px;
         -webkit-transform: translateZ(0);
      .ja-promo-bar {font-size:22px!important;}
      /* top bar proma bar
      -------------------------------------------------- */
      .navbar-fixed-top, .navbar-fixed-bottom {
          position: sticky;
          right: 0;
          left: 0;
          z-index: 1030;
          margin-bottom: 0;
      /* top banner ust yapışkan menu sticky
      -------------------------------------------------- */


        At this moment, when you scrolling up the page, the main menu is displaying above the promo-bar, you want to show them both sticky?

        I want to this: promo-bar scrolling up and main menu is sticky.

        Now, it's show promo-bar under the red line at main menu. I don't want to this.
        What should I make? Promo-bar should scrolling up and İts not look red line under the main menu.

        I want to this page;

        look at at this page

        My page; (problem) HERCULES CRANE

          medator Hi. Reg line is from the banner over the menu. You have to reduce it's height to 50px. with a code:

          .ja-promo-bar {
              height: 50px;
          .navbar-fixed-top {
              margin-top: -6px !important;

          When I pull down the page, I want to move the promotion bar up

          What I need to do about this I want help

          This Module Is Incorrect Please Update This Module
          There's Even Error in Demo Site

          I want to create a promotional bar like Joomlart site I don't know how to link it

          JA Promo Bar Demo Menu Error

          Dear Friends Scroll Up Page Resolved

          Day and Night
          Very Sorry 🙂 But The Result Is Successful 🙂 I'm Happy

          Do More Business Everything Will Be Fine 🙂

          JA Promo Bar Go to Module Settings Sticky Menu

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