artnightstyle Hi. This image has over 300Kb, so it takes some time till it will be loaded. You may try to lower the weight of it.
artnightstyle Hi. Looks like I've only came across pages with the 300Kb one. But I've just tried again and as soon as those images got cached by browser they appear way faster. Which concludes my finding. Solution would be to move the style code upper in css by compressing css files using for example JCH plugin.
artnightstyle Hi. I'll try explain again. Please install JCH Optimization plugin from this site: https://www.jch-optimize.net/downloads.html
This plugin will compress css, so the style to call for images will be loaded sooner. Additionally You may also try to install jotCache extensions to speed up caching.
Thank you for the comprehensive, timely response. Excuse for troubling.