Hi, wonder if JA Image Hotspot supports .webp format. How can I use it?
Webp format in JA Image Hotspot?
Weckermann Hi. I'm sorry, but I do not understand. Can You please explain it a little better?
teitbite Hi. I would like to use the .webp graphics format (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebP) in JA Image Hotspot module. In admin settings of the module, I have to enter the 'images path' to the background image. There, I would like to use a .webp image. Advantage would be -smaller file, and -better google ranking due to faster page load.
Weckermann Hi. Now it makes sense, but I'm afraid extension does not support this image format. Anyway I'll pass this suggestion to our developers.
As it is now 2025 and the vast majority of browsers support webp and webm is now time for image hotspot to support the format?
I use the extension on nearly all my sites.
Regards to the team
I already submitted your request to the team but it's not available yet. Thanks for your input!