medator Hi. I'm sorry, but I do not understand. Can You please try to explain Your issue a little bit better?

You can set the default editor to NONE from system> global configurations.
Now create a custom html module > add iframe code of the video > save and publish it on the module position like you published banner module.

save and check.


PS : Kindly submit questions with complete details and in English language.

pankaj First of all thank you very much a video in the top

Width and Height will be just like in this picture

Width: 1550 Px
Height: 100 Px

Play Video in This Dimension
Picture Video How to prepare

Wide Video Ready Html Code
Is There a Wide Video Preparation Program
Or How You Can?

Canakkale Epic Video

I expect you to help me with this regards

    medator Hi. Do You have this module published already? I would need to see the site to provide You an additional styling.

    I've Published a Custom Ad Video Code as an Experiment
    This is the Ad Module you see

      Via screenshots its hard to assume, kindly share the page URL on which the module is published.
      About the picture of video, it pick the thumbnail from the video. if its local video maybe there is no thumb. you can check with the extension provider about the custom image option for video before play.

      <video controls style="width:1345px;height:80px;" poster="">
        <source src="devstories.webm" 
                type='video/webm;codecs="vp8, vorbis"' />
        <source src="images/video/Project1.mp4" type="video/mp4" 
                type='video/mp4;codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' />
        <track src="devstories-en.vtt" label="English subtitles" 
               kind="subtitles" srclang="en" default></track>

      I want the image to be in full width
      Get Video Width

      <img src="images/banners/topbar_18_canakkale.png" alt="Çanakkale" width="1500" height="112" />

      Like this Video Cover Full I want to fill

      I'm Trying With This Code

      Width 1500
      Height 100

      Can you help me with this How to Prepare a Video Code
      Video Html Code And Poster Cover with Picture

      No Code Information

        As requested before for the video width issue, we need URL of page on which its showing.
        About the video, you may find the 3rd party module as it needs customization in js too to make a video player with custom image.
        You may find it on JED.


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