Hi. Just wonder if anyone could help to sort out tags that are displayed messy in the article when you have more of them and second line drops down a lot. Please see picture. Thank you.
visualunusual Hi,
I tried to add more tags for a Joomla article but these tags shows fine: https://prnt.sc/p74syk
Could you share the URL of that page on your site so I can see issue?
Hello, thank you for reply. Url is:
Cheers Rem
visualunusual Hi The url is giving 404 error. http://prntscr.com/p7ke8i Can you check and share the page on which you have this issue. Meanwhile you can try this code in /templates/gk_portfolio/css/override.css
.item__info { height: 115px;}
Apologies, URL is working now. Please check. Your suggested code has been tried before but still it leaves large spaces between first and second lines of the tags which isnt looking tidy. I would prefer list of tags starting normally without large space between. Regards. Rem
visualunusual Hi you can use the same code and reduce the height value to a minimum value. as there is no much space, it goes to 2nd row, and the height is the value of each item
.item__info_item { height: 30px;}
Many thanks! I am happy now!