after editing the article that displays the date of the event, additional information disappears: I am asking for information on how to solve the problem and how to edit it effectively. D.
domir21 Hi I re installed the template and its showing fine now. You can edit each article > Extra fields to change this information http://prntscr.com/p8hpwu
thank you very much - now it's ok. Where can I translate the words: Location Time ?
domir21 You can change it from /language/en-GB/en-GB.tpl_ja_kidscorner.ini or override it via Joomla language overrides : http://prntscr.com/p8kfmb
Thank you for your answer Ninja
My problem is that I have a language other than English and unfortunately I don't search for the words in them. Can you check it in my back room?
domir21 Hi You need to copy the file in other language folder. Example if language is is for EN /language/en-GB/en-GB.tpl_ja_kidscorner.ini you need to change the name with your language code (EN)
Thank you very much - it works perfectly! 😉