I hack the change registration page with some overrides. I make the change record tab a View record tab. and I remove the send/update button.see my notes below
read to end Go to: /components/com_dtregister/views/user/tmpl/edit.php now we are going to the default template I need to make an override for this home/yoursite/public_html/components/com_dtregister/templates/default/views/user/edit.php
"find <div id=""dtnav_buttons"" style=""clear:both"">
<input type=""button"" class=""button"" value=""<?php echo JText::( 'DT_BACK' ); ?>"" onclick=""javascript:history.back();"" /> <input type=""submit"" id=""next"" name=""saveuser"" class=""button"" value=""<?php echo JText::( 'DT_NEXT_BUTTON' );?>"" />
then.............. delete the code above which removes the button
be sure to save every event with the change record permission.