Hi everyone, I have a problem with the home page of my multilingual website. The titles of the 'Portfolio' and 'Blog' modules are not central and are different from the Italian version, as you can see at the following links: Italian version (OK): https://www.howtotravelinstyle.com/it/ English version: https://www.howtotravelinstyle.com/en/ In the English version the titles are smaller than the Italian version and I would like them the same (as the Italian version) . The language module is disattivated because the website is under construction. Could you help me to solve this problem, please? Thanks in advance regards
cosmoservice Hi,
As I can see that the menu item type of these 2 homepages of IT + EN are different, could you try to change the menu item type for home page of English version to "Featured Artilces" instead of "Category Blog" type?
Hi, thank you very very much. I didn't realize that the menu items were different. Thanks again