Please see the login details not able to login to backend.
This has been corrected, please try again. Thanks!
SWUUW . . Site not reachable now . Please see if i m blocked .My Ip . I was in middle of saving file administrator\components\com_dtregister\lib\dtsession.php . Then site stopped working . Seems cache issue too. As changes in file not reflected in frontend UI .
Sorry about that. The IP above has been whitelisted. Please try again and let me know if you run in to any other issues.
SWUUW please share the ftp details too , i tried to edit file by explorer extension . but seems removed .
gslitt91 Done. We removed the Extplorer component as it's been known to cause problems.
One additional thing I've noticed is that the price is not calculating anywhere on the form either. Thanks!
SWUUW . Its is fixed file modified is administrator\components\com_dtregister\lib\dtsession.php . Joomla session table has session other then joomla causes problem .
Hi, I'm still seeing the blank section to the left, the member info section above our main form (starts below "Individual" and the cost of the registration is not showing anywhere.
@gslitt91 is working on this, pls stay tuned.
Sorry , seems file was not saved properly that i edited , just re saved and confirmed . it fine now .
Great, thank you! This appears to be working now. Will the file you edited be overwritten whenever any updates come out?
SWUUW The fix will be updated in the new version so don't worry.
But it always best to backup your site before updating new version (just in case).
Have a good day!