I am working under Buldr template. Is it possible to add class to div element through the custom. css file?
I'd like to style piece of text as a "btn-success" class. This class is native in Buildr template. I can of course add all the rules manually but they are pretty tricky (hover, active, focus states etc). I don't want to edit the file directly as this is J2Store native.
My element which I found through Dev Tools is (I presume it could be much much shorter of cours):
html.zen-default-layout.template-25.com_j2store.view-checkout.task-confirmpayment.bootstrap3.is-guest.pl-PL.j39.responsive-enabled.sticky-enabled.layout-mr.rendered-m.offcanvas-menu.zen-grid.js.no-touch.sb-init body div#zen-wrap section#mainwrap.zen-row-wrap.clearfix.row-padding-none.container-padding div.zen-container div.zen-row div.mainwrap.zen-spotlight div.zen-row div.zen-spotlight div#midCol.zg-col.zg-col-12 main div#akeeba-renderjoomla div.row div.col-md-12 div.note a.
What line should I write in custom.css file to to make this div to behave like a "succes button"?
regards Tomek

Hi Tomek,

Like other css file, you can add your own css rule into custom.css file, if you want to add class to a div tag, you must edit layout file.


Hi Saguaros
Thank you for your advice indeed.

Just to be clear once more my case:
there is a class defined in template.css. I'd like to add this class to a div which is already styled by another existing "template" class.

So is there any solution to style this div with this "template class" by adding some cute line in custom.css line? Is is possible only by edition of layout file (which can be overwritten later during update of J2Store app)?

regards Tomek
p.s class addition could be done so easily in Dev Tools so maybe there is a solution ;-)

Hi Tomek,

You can share the credentials of your site and share the URL of page + screenshot highlighting the part you want to add class so I can suggest which file need to be changed.


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