Hi Joomlart experts,
Could you please help to guide me how to change the background of the logo area into white color ?
And what is the best logo size and format ( jpg or png) as in one screen the logo look OK, but in another screen size, the logo becomes blur like in the attached image. Can I re-define the logo size?
Thanks and best regards,

    On the homepage with slideshow it use gray background
    Open template folder /css/custom.css file
    create file if it does not exist and add this code

    .has-slideshow .t3-header {
        background: #eaeaea;
        border-bottom-color: transparent;

    change the color code as per needs.

    max width of the logo container at the moment is 317px
    In small screen you added a different small logo which is smaller in size. you can replace it, its same image that you added.

      Hi Pankaj,
      Great, it works for my site.
      Thank you so much.

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